Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Streams of Life: Creating Order in an out of Balance world. - The WORKPLACE

We are an extension of our home, to the world when we enter our workplaces on a daily basis.  In just a short amount of time, we create a family in the workplace by our ability to build cohesive teams, navigate crisis,and create systems that meet the needs of the programs we serve in.  As we look to the workplace, it is also an extension of our call to serve others, be a light in the world and to build programs of integrity that meet the needs of the clients we serve.

In my work in the field of early childhood education, I have been blessed to work in programs, and to create programs that keep the client at the center of the work. Our clients in my work, are the most vulnerable , our children.  I am priveleged to be joined in the work by intelligent, creative, innovative, and risk-taking colleagues, teachers, early childhood leaders, and parents.  Each of us bring a new aspect to the work, based on our families of orgin, our cultural beliefs, our approaches to life.  The more time I spend figuring out the workplace, I learn more about myself   through watching others.

This is the reflective piece of the work, that causes me to examine, critique, question, and redefine what's working and what needs to reconfigured.  This week I was blessed to be a part of the Educare Learning Network Policy Institute in Denver, CO.  This is a gatherinng of leaders throughout the United States that have developed programs that are creating a new picture of what the true cost of early childhood education is.  The workplaces where the leaders reside, continued to move forward, serve families, and reach the community with their open doors, and willingness to extend their heart and hands.

Our workplaces can be transformative in their work when we:

  • Value the work, by valuing the workers who give everyday
  • Come together in true spirit of collaboration, where everyone's voice is represented at the table ( teacher, principal, parent, child, community leader)
  • Make meaning of everyday experiences by documenting our journey 
  • Tell the story in compelling ways too continue to build programs that transform the lives of those they serve
Questions to Ponder?

How will you return to your workplace tomorrow?
What change will you make in your daily work?
How will you show value for your colleague? Student? Leadership?
What have you documented about your experiences in your work?
Have you shared your story? 

Next post:

November 22 - 28, 2014
Streams of Life:  Creating Order in an out of Balance world.  - The COMMUNITY

November 29 - December 3, 2014
Streams of Life:  Creating Order in an out of Balance world.  = The CHURCH

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Streams of Life: Creating Order in an out of Balance world - The HOME

When I think of how my home has grown with love, family, and activity over the past 8 years, I smile.  In the moment of everyday, everything does not cause a smile, but it does cause me to reflect on how did we get to where we are.

In my previous post, I mentioned that order in our lives is established when we return to the purpose for which we were created.  Order is created, when we establish the purpose of a thing, and without order, balance can never be achieved.

Here are the key questions to examine when creating order in the home: 

Am I creating a model of home that fits my family in this moment?
  • Am I trying to remain in a stage of family or development that has changed? 
  • Do I have to make some adjustments to create order? 
  • Have I been creating my family order, from someone else's blueprint? 
  • The first institution established by God was family.  How does your family emulate the original order God created?
This series is meant to cause us to reflect on our lives, and to determine how we want to move our lives forward and create more productive lives. 

Next post:

November 15 - 21, 2014
Streams of Life:  Creating Order in an out of Balance world.  - The WORKPLACE

November 22 - 28, 2014
Streams of Life:  Creating Order in an out of Balance world.  - The COMMUNITY

November 29 - December 3, 2014
Streams of Life:  Creating Order in an out of Balance world.  = The CHURCH