Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Saying goodbye to 2014....... and Hello to 2015!

It's that time of the year again.  Reflecting on the year that has passed, and embracing the year ahead.  My year has been full of travel and fun, and most of all  the most important people of all, my family.  As I reviewed my year on Facebook today, I was pleasantly surprised that My Year Newspaper, showed how I spent my time.  Loving on my family, taking care of my health by eating right and exercising and serving others.  This occured because of my intentions for each day, were to do just that.

My one little word (OLW) for 2014 was FOCUS.  I made some intentional steps to enlarge my circle of friends and accountability partners.  Thanks to Webster Ramsey, Sr. ( Hubby), Latara Bussey, Valerie Vaughn, Susan Boxie Rex,  Charmaine Sims, Linda Sanders ( Mom), D'Andrea Thomas ( BFF), Bilal Konte, Trenna Grayson, Kelly (Mugsie) Larsen, Cheryl Butler Adams, Deb Curtis, and many others for connecting with me throughout the year.  My life is richer because of each of you, and forever changed.

In review, here's how I spent my days in 2014:

  • Creating new family rituals - morning devotions with the boys, movie nights at home and at the theatre, game nights at home, hot chocolate parties for the holidays, and Advent gift-giving in December, 
  • 3rd annual art booth at Destiny Christian School for Alaya Enterprise artwork and Kelly's Kreations crafts.  Thanks Alicia Wade for organizing the event each year.  Watch for Ramsey's inspirational art all around Oklahoma City this year, in a gallery exhibit near you. ( Speak it and it will happen, so watch for it.)
  • Travel - travel - travel for Educare OKC.  Maine, Chicago, Denver, Berkley, CA, and San Antonio, TX,
  • Appointed as NAEYC Affiliate Representative for Early Childhood Association of Oklahoma (ECAO) 
  • Swap-Bot ( This is the greatest community of crafters, writers, quilters, and the likes).  I even spread the joy, with Trenna Grayson, and now she's hooked.
  • New logo for Developing People, Inc.  created by Paula McDade. 
  • Increased writing on blog, short story, and invited to write for educational journal in 2015
  • NAEYC presenter with Ruth Ann Ball.... embarking on national platform for early childhood profession.
  • Appointed to Educare Learning Network, advisory board.  national platform informing policy in the early childhood field.
  • Whew!  What a year.  
Forever humbled by God's plan for my life, and so grateful I get to share it with all of you.  

Get ready for 2015!  My OLW word for the year is POSSIBILITIES....  I can't wait to see what it unfolds.  Can you?

Kelly Ramsey

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Streams of Life: Creating Order in an out of Balance world. = The CHURCH

November 29 - December 3, 2014  December 30, 2014
Streams of Life:  Creating Order in an out of Balance world.  = The CHURCH

This is the last post for this series, and will complete the streams of life.  Although we are late posting, it's key to complete processes, so we want to honor the work and followers by doing such.  This stream is my life source, and it is why I continue to have balance in my life.  The purpose of the church is to equip the believers to be light in the world.  The church is created for fellowship with other likeminded believers.  The church is not just mortar and bricks and walls to separate.  It is a living organism that is transformed by the people in it. 

I was honored and blessed to be a part of a ministry that understood, the churches function and purpose.  As a leader, I served my leaders Apostles Ricky and D'andrea Thomas from the conception of the ministry over 15 years ago. We labored together, to meet the heart of God and serve the people.  The stream of G. A P. R. T. still continues to water my everyday life, of my family and my home.  One thing is evident, we exist today because of each stream that watered us at every phase of our lives.  To remove any phase, is to negate that all of the streams of our lives have made us who we are today.  Thank you Lord, for each person who watered my life and flowed through the streams. 

My love for the ministry of the church runs deep, because it's the place where healing and restoration came for me.  After being a Christian, and growing up in a family that served God, I experienced brokenness, devastation, and depression.  The church restored my hope in Christ, and kept my heart open to love others.  I can see every face of every person, who greeted me weekly, smiled inspite of y response or face, loved on me when I turned away from their love, fed me, clothed me, chastised me, and guided me.   

As the body of Christ heals and is restored in society, we must keep in mind that the people are the integral part of the healing.  It takes all members of the body of Christ to create order and restore balance in the world.  I thank God for the fresh word of God, he ministers at our local congregation under the leadership of Prophet Brandon Fleming, at New Divine Destiny Christian Center.  At Destiny City in Edmond, we create streams of life through anointed worship, ministering of the word of God, and showing the love of Christ among the brethren.  I count an honor, to be a part of the work God is doing and continue to serve as a minister of God reaching the masses with the simple message, that Jesus saves and is here to be light in darkness.   

Questions to Ponder:
  • Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as Your personal savior?
  • Are you connected to a church home, that ministers restoration to your soul?
  • How are you serving in your local church?
  • How is your local church serving the community?
  • Are you connected with others, in bible study, group studies, or fellowship?

Monday, December 29, 2014

Streams of Life: Creating Order in an out of Balance world. - The COMMUNITY

November 22 - 28, 2014 December 29, 2014
Streams of Life:  Creating Order in an out of Balance world.  - The COMMUNITY

When I think of community, I think of the elders who created safe places for youth to grow, learn, and be taught.  In Oklahoma City, I experienced community in a new way, as a Possibilities Innovation Program (PIP) participant in 2011.  To read my story, and the impact the program made on my life, click here.  The program provided me with insight into the communities in Oklahoma, and showed me that every person matters.  Every walk of life, every person's offering as a youth, young adult, elder or senior adult is a necessary part of community.  If you have never been apart of a group, that fosters hope and possibilities, make it a goal this year to connect with Possibilities, Inc. 

A staple in my home are books about culture, community, and elders.  Clifton Taulbert speaks of community in his book, Eight habits of the hearts, as he shares his childhood growing up in Mississippi and how he took the habits the elders showed him, left the community and shared their stories with millions of others.  They are simple habits, that establish foundation for the community.  The eight habits are: 
  • Nurturing Attitude
  • Dependability
  • Responsibility
  • Friendship
  • Brotherhood
  • High Expectations
  • Courage Hope
Questions to Ponder:
  • How has community influenced you today?
  • In what ways, has your community shaped your work?
  • How have you given back to your community, or honored the work of the community?
  • What will you create in 2015 to foster community?
  • Are the eight habits of the heart evident in your daily life and work?

Final post:

November 29 - December 3, 2014  December 30, 2014
Streams of Life:  Creating Order in an out of Balance world.  = The CHURCH

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Streams of Life: Creating Order in an out of Balance world. - The WORKPLACE

We are an extension of our home, to the world when we enter our workplaces on a daily basis.  In just a short amount of time, we create a family in the workplace by our ability to build cohesive teams, navigate crisis,and create systems that meet the needs of the programs we serve in.  As we look to the workplace, it is also an extension of our call to serve others, be a light in the world and to build programs of integrity that meet the needs of the clients we serve.

In my work in the field of early childhood education, I have been blessed to work in programs, and to create programs that keep the client at the center of the work. Our clients in my work, are the most vulnerable , our children.  I am priveleged to be joined in the work by intelligent, creative, innovative, and risk-taking colleagues, teachers, early childhood leaders, and parents.  Each of us bring a new aspect to the work, based on our families of orgin, our cultural beliefs, our approaches to life.  The more time I spend figuring out the workplace, I learn more about myself   through watching others.

This is the reflective piece of the work, that causes me to examine, critique, question, and redefine what's working and what needs to reconfigured.  This week I was blessed to be a part of the Educare Learning Network Policy Institute in Denver, CO.  This is a gatherinng of leaders throughout the United States that have developed programs that are creating a new picture of what the true cost of early childhood education is.  The workplaces where the leaders reside, continued to move forward, serve families, and reach the community with their open doors, and willingness to extend their heart and hands.

Our workplaces can be transformative in their work when we:

  • Value the work, by valuing the workers who give everyday
  • Come together in true spirit of collaboration, where everyone's voice is represented at the table ( teacher, principal, parent, child, community leader)
  • Make meaning of everyday experiences by documenting our journey 
  • Tell the story in compelling ways too continue to build programs that transform the lives of those they serve
Questions to Ponder?

How will you return to your workplace tomorrow?
What change will you make in your daily work?
How will you show value for your colleague? Student? Leadership?
What have you documented about your experiences in your work?
Have you shared your story? 

Next post:

November 22 - 28, 2014
Streams of Life:  Creating Order in an out of Balance world.  - The COMMUNITY

November 29 - December 3, 2014
Streams of Life:  Creating Order in an out of Balance world.  = The CHURCH

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Streams of Life: Creating Order in an out of Balance world - The HOME

When I think of how my home has grown with love, family, and activity over the past 8 years, I smile.  In the moment of everyday, everything does not cause a smile, but it does cause me to reflect on how did we get to where we are.

In my previous post, I mentioned that order in our lives is established when we return to the purpose for which we were created.  Order is created, when we establish the purpose of a thing, and without order, balance can never be achieved.

Here are the key questions to examine when creating order in the home: 

Am I creating a model of home that fits my family in this moment?
  • Am I trying to remain in a stage of family or development that has changed? 
  • Do I have to make some adjustments to create order? 
  • Have I been creating my family order, from someone else's blueprint? 
  • The first institution established by God was family.  How does your family emulate the original order God created?
This series is meant to cause us to reflect on our lives, and to determine how we want to move our lives forward and create more productive lives. 

Next post:

November 15 - 21, 2014
Streams of Life:  Creating Order in an out of Balance world.  - The WORKPLACE

November 22 - 28, 2014
Streams of Life:  Creating Order in an out of Balance world.  - The COMMUNITY

November 29 - December 3, 2014
Streams of Life:  Creating Order in an out of Balance world.  = The CHURCH

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Living Life Fully and Alive! Remembering Lisa Miller-Baldwin

As I sit and reflect today, on the life  of my friend and mentee Lisa Miller-Baldwin, my heart is heavy, but I am grateful for the opportunities to tell of the impact of her life in the earth.   

Too often we wait for moments like this to ponder what we should have done or said sooner.  When we lose someone close or dear, it causes us to reflect on the person and their impact, but even greater on our own lives.  Lisa was many things to many people, her reach touched people's lives, and her story will forever change how we address real life issues like homelessness, domestic violence, parenting, early childhood education and advocacy.  Her approach was hands-on and she put forth maximized efforts for every work she was connected with.  Her work went beyond meeting her own needs, because often she sacrificed her own needs for the work she committed to. 

She was daughter of God, first and foremost she loved God, and he was at the center of everything she did.  She was a mother, grandmother, sister-friend, business entrepreneur, visionary, passion-filled lover of the most high God, a worshipper who touched heaven with her voice.  She was my friend. 

I can remember our mentee sessions together, as she shared her power-packed vision, and well thought out plans.  She inspired me to be better and to reach higher.  Our sessions often left me convicted, because I would thinks that was great advice, but when are you going to begin your work.  She not only had the vision, but she carried momentum that was fierce enough to blaze a trail behind her to draw people to the work.  The work she wrought in me, is what causes me to write today.  Our work and stories can only be made evident and clear when we tell them.  When we stop our excuses and get to the work. 

So the questions remain for me, the momentum has been set, so who will carry the work forward.  The board members of Wonderfully Made Foundation have the task to figure out how to make the legacy come alive and continue to ignite.  The many business entities that Lisa met with to solicit on-going support for the work, have the opportunity to grant her request by creating philanthropic seeds that honor her work. 

Each of us reading this post, have a part in this work.  What's your part?  Begin it today.   If not, now, when?  If not here, where?  Make a choice to support the continue work and effort by honoring the work
  • Support the family during this time of remembrance as they prepare for the celebration of a life lived for God.  Go to:
  • Annual donation to the work
    • Wonderfully Made Foundation
    • Entrepreneur of Faith
    • Homeless Homes
      • Create homes for the families currently housed
      • Provide education and resource building for families to maintain their homes
      • Resources for the families well-being
  • Carry the vision of Lisa Miller Baldwin forward in your work
  • Bring awareness to the issue of Domestic Violence
  • Bring awareness to the issue of Homelessness
  • Live a life for Christ on Purpose, Out loud for the entire world to see
  • Stop making excuses and start today!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Reflections of a Life Lived with Purpose, Pursuit, and Passion

Today, I am inspired and touched by events this past week.  As a lifelong learner, I'm always reflecting on my journey and the influences on my life that make me who I am today, and planted the seeds for what my life has evolved to.  Let me preference this post by saying this is a deeply emotional post, and shares my heart.  While I know others will read and agree some will not, that's okay.

A few weeks ago, Maya Angelou passed away and I began reflecting on the strength of this woman and her impact on my life, through the arts, poetry, reading and her demeanor in life.  Everything we do influences another, and while we may not have immediate contact with others, our stories are shared across barriers and distance.  I never met Dr. Maya Angelou in person, but through her experiences and testimonies of rising above the turmoil and storms in her life I knew her.  I knew her struggle and story, but most importantly, I knew the God she served, and recognized this determination in her eyes, because I have seen the same determination in mine own eyes.  Her passing made me remember, and take hold of the strength of God in me, and my ability to influence others. 

This past week, shockingly and suddenly I lost my pastor, Dr. Mario Maxwell, a young man in age but wise and seasoned in the Spirit of God.  His lost was shocking, not only to realize but even greater when I understand the tangible impact he's had on not only my life, but my family and church family New Divine Destiny Christian Center.  Mario as I called him( he was comfortable in who he was, and not offended or disrespected by titles, because he knew who he was), was a prophet of God. His ministry went beyond our church to the nations and beyond.  When I think of this man of God, I think of the impact of the ministry of Jesus Christ.  His work spread throughout the world, and impacted so many.  While we mourn his lost, the work is yet ahead, because the mantel he carried continues on through those who walked along side of him.

These two event make me consider each day, and how I live it.  We use words as cliche' without realizing the impact of the words.  We have today, this moment and how we choose to use it is a direct reflection on what we believe.  I am encouraged by the words of encouragement that pours out to honor  the man of God, but even more excited about how the life and legacy will be honored by those who were touched by his work. 

In living our lives, we must be driven not by work, but by our God ordained purpose for existing.  Why were you created?  What did the creator have in mind when he made you?  What impact were you designed to make?  Why did he plant you where you are?  Living a purpose driven life is a life on purpose, a life aligned to God.  A study on Purpose Driven Life  by Rick Warren is a great tool to begin the journey of finding out why you are here. 

The daily work of fulfilling your vision for life takes concentrated effort.  If you are seeking to live a life that is meaningful, you will never encounter it if you are not in pursuit of it.  People make things happen!  Too often we are waiting on a handout and left wanting because it relies on someone bringing it to us, rather than the effort we take to make it happen by getting in hot pursuit. 

The passion of the work of Dr. Maya Angelou and Dr. Mario Maxwell is what was evident to us as we watched their lives and is what we will miss seeing in them.  Passion is not exclusive.  Passion it the fire that fuels our work, and drives us when no one else is left to cheer us on.  Passion is the contagious spirit of generosity we see, the glow in the eyes when a plan comes to fruition, the underlying power within us that keeps the boat afloat. 

Why write now?
As I began this blog post two days ago, it was initially to pour out my heart because of the void I was experiencing with the lost of my pastor, Dr. Mario Maxwell.  When I really sat down today, and began to write, it became clear to me, that while pouring out was a piece of it, it wasn't all.  The fuel was the last text I received from Mario in response to a post I wrote about Dr. Maya Angelou.  He said, "You're a good writer."  I asked him, what did you read of mine, that made you say that? 

He had read this post on Facebook: 

"One of my most special memories of my dad, is when they stayed in San Leandro and on my bedside table he placed a copy of Maya Angelou's Phenomenal Women as a welcome and greeting but so much more. Maya has given me wings on so many occasions and awakened the ROAR inside of who I truly am. Greatly missed, but never forgotten. As women, we must become such a force that others emulate the Christ in us!"

When I responded, my response was simple and honest, "Thank you, now I must just start writing.".  Mario's comment awakened my passion, but my pursuit of my purpose as a writer was determined by my next steps, to write. 

So it is today, that begins my writing career, that will lead to published books and memoirs of my experience on this earth. The volumes that are within me, are awakened and ready to burst forth.  Join me on my journey, and let today be the day you begin yours anew! 

Writing this in route home from Minneapolis, MN.  We can begin today, we can start now.  Do it today, and Do it afraid!  Kelly Ramsey, the writer

Monday, May 19, 2014

OSU Graduating Class of 2014

Today marks a pivotal point in my career as an Early Childhood Professor!  As I write this I'm sitting waiting for the graduation class of 2014 to take their seats, and begin their educational journey as graduates of the Early Care and Education program.  This is significant because within the graduating class are students who became staff, and students who have applied themselves educationally and embarked on a new career of being a reflective practioner.  These same students entered my classes unaware of how they would be challenged in their thinking, how we would build relationship over time, that would cause disequilibrium and create real learning connections.

As an early childhood professor, I've learned that the practical application of theory into everyday experiences changes the very work of the teacher and the student.  I look forward to watching these same students, as they change the face of the education systems that they are apart of.

My joy is that my theory of adult learning and respecting adults for the knowledge they bring to the classroom is taking shape.  The idea that we as teachers have a story to share, our story and our experiences that bring us together.  My hope and aspiration is to create a learning environment that reclaims the wonder of childhood, exploration, inquiry for the adult learner.  Igniting a new generation of teachers that naturally gravitate to wonder, reflect, and exploration as they engage young children.

Today, I see the realization

Monday, May 5, 2014

A Moment of P.A.U.S. E.

Today I chose to stop and PAUSE, and begin to write. The past few months I have placed on my weekly planning form Take time to pause and reflect and write 2 pages a day, in the hope that as I commit to 2 pages of writing my manuscripts would develop and a book would emerge. Realizing that without a vision ahead of me, the books would just continue to be an idea floating around in my head. This book is a culmination of the last 15 years of my life, and the actual documentation of how Developing People, Inc. was conceived and lived out through the everyday experiences of my life over a fifteen year period, or a decade and a half since we began to describe ourselves after a 10 year period, as a decade to document the span of time in periods rather than years. So I have been working in the field of Early Childhood Education for three decades, WOW! That's 30 years of time that has passed. I will be 4 decades and 8 years old this year(that's 48 in November, just two years away from my 5 decade mark). My how time flies. So today's PAUSE made me think of this: P- Positioned A -Aware U - Uncluttered S - Serene E - Expecting My definition of pausing is to take a moment to consider what's ahead, a breather from the hectic schedule and life happenings ahead or just completed. It takes on new meaning, when you begin to cultivate your dreams and aspirations as a writer ( yes a writer, you have just declared it in print, that you are a writer. Whoo hoo! Let the writing begin!) If you are new to my blog, my writing usually ocurrs as I'm thinking, so it brings up after thoughts, that are caaptured in the parenthesis. (If you just want the meat of the word as they say, just skip the parenthesis to get to the story.) So today, I just ended a board meeting with Early Childhood Association of Oklahoma - ECAOK and decided to take a PAUSE to write this blog. My setting is a cozy little coffee house, called Foolish Things in Tulsa, OK, located just blocks away from my meeting location. My norm is to get right back into the grind of my day, and hop back on the freeway and drive the 2 hours to home, work, workout, and the next task for the evening. Instead, today I PAUSED. My PAUSE made me think of being Positioned, Aware, Uncluttered, Serene, and Expecting. I am positioned and ready to begin my journey as a writer. My collection of books about writing, spaces for writers, how to write, how to begin, has been growing over the past 2 decades ( Smile). Have I read them all, no! Only perused them to create the perfect setting, the perfect writing basket, the perfect pens and writing utensils, the perfect collection of journals to write in, and so on. Each of those perfect means, has not yielded a writing or a book, only a collection of things for writers. I am POSITIONED! let the writing begin. AWARE The more I experience as a woman, wife, and mother, the greater I am aware of the people and things around me. Being aware is what centers my focus on my purpose an existence. Being aware keeps my sanity on most days, and makes me a better person. To PAUSE and be AWARE causes even greater perspective. This past week, I was in Rockland, Maine for a conference and took a morning meditation class. Just the simple act of presenting myself for the class, and honing in on my breathing, and body was life changing. My head was clear, my mind was focused, for that short period of the morning. Of course, when I had an opportunity to take my boys to the library what did I search for, books on Christian meditation of course. (It's on my nightstand for reading the next time I PAUSE). UNCLUTTERED This is my lifelong goal, to be uncluttered! In my thoughts, in my living spaces, my workspaces, everywhere. We will just leave it at this simple thought, instead of cluttering the page, with thoughts about uncluttering and how much work is ahead. SERENE I have discovered that when I PAUSE, it creates the most wonderful presence around me. SERENE spaces make me smile, breathe and take in what's around me. I can create it with a picture, a flower, a plant, music playing in the background. The key to being in a SERENE place is to hold on to it, even when you have to leave. Knowing that you can create it wherever you are, and whatever is going on. It's like fresh linen on your bed, with the windows open and the sea roaring in the air. It's the whiff of a home-baked muffin, or a fragrant flower like fresia's that you catch walking by. EXPECTING The greatest work of PAUSE is that it creates an expectation that something great is about to occur. We are no longer stuck in the mundane day to day interactions, but we have created a new world of opportunity. I expect great writing to occur, because I began to write today. So join my in a daily PAUSE, and reclaim your day, your hour, your moment. Selah

Saturday, February 1, 2014

One Little Word 2014 - FOCUS

Today is the first day of February, and we are already in our New Year of 2014. This is the fourth that I am joining Ali Edwards for the One Little Word project. My words for the past years were "Consider This", "Grow" "Create" and this year "Focus". FOCUS Initially I thought of developing a keen focus on details and following through on task. Eliminating multitasking and really being in the moment. This involved me getting strict on myself and forcing purpose and progress on my to do list. When I think of focus now as using tools to help assist me in widening my view or idea of life, task, work, my children, and my family it allows me to grow in new ways. As I began to dig deeper and really look at my word, I discovered that the tools used to focus, such as a camera, telescope, magnifying glass, reading glasses, bring a different element to what I see and what my eyes are drawn to. Here's the definition: fo·cus noun \ˈfō-kəs\ : a subject that is being discussed or studied : the subject on which people's attention is focused : a main purpose or interest : a point at which rays (as of light, heat, or sound) converge or from which they diverge or appear to diverge; specifically : the point where the geometrical lines or their prolongations conforming to the rays diverging from or converging toward another point intersect and give rise to an image after reflection by a mirror or refraction by a lens or optical system b : a point of convergence of a beam of particles (as electrons) 2a : focal length b : adjustment for distinct vision; also : the area that may be seen distinctly or resolved into a clear image c : a state or condition permitting clear perception or understanding d : direction 6c 3: one of the fixed points that with the corresponding directrix defines a conic section 4: a localized area of disease or the chief site of a generalized disease or infection 5a : a center of activity, attraction, or attention b : a point of concentration 6: the place of origin of an earthquake or moonquake 7: directed attention : emphasis — fo·cus·less \-ləs\ adjective — in focus : having or giving the proper sharpness of outline due to good focusing — out of focus : not in focus Focus. (n.d.). Retrieved February 1, 2014, from The boldface parts of the definition stand out for me, and reallly speak to my ideas of being focused. join me in my journey this year as I unpack the word snad discover what it means to my daily work and activities. Happy New Year, Kelly