Thursday, September 12, 2013

12 Weeks Ago

It's hard to believe that it's been 12 weeks since I began my journey to a healthy lifestyle. I have been diligent and continue to make daily strides toward creating a body that is strong, healthy, and vibrant. As I've journeyed over the last 12 weeks I have discovered more about myself than I could ever imagine. Being selfish when it comes to taking time to better your life by exercising, eating right is actually okay. Over my life ( 46 years) I have gone through many changes and the one constant in that change is me. I am the journey, I am the catalyst for change I want to realize in my life. At the core of my existence is my relationship with God, for without him I can do nothing. So join me as I share this journey and the simple steps that I've taken over the past 12 weeks. My husband, my greatest supporter has been my cheerleader, my biggest fan, and of course a critic when I step away from my goals for health and wellness. Everyday I get to choose health and life. Thanks to Bilal Konte for his dedication to creating a life of health and wellness and not just a quick fix. Join me in my journey!