Saturday, May 5, 2012

National Scrapbooking Day

May 5, 2012 is National Scrapbooking Day!  As I look over albums and loads of digital pictures of the past 10 years of my life, I am inspired by the faces of my friends, family, and colleagues.  Scrapbooking is about preserving memories and giving voice to the stories of our lives.  This year, I plan to work on my Project Life album, created by Becky Higgins.  The album chronicles a week of your life for 52 weeks.  While I had great lofty goals to stay on task, I'm a little behind with documenting, so that will be my task for the day.  Maybe you have an interested, but never checked it out.  Log into bigpicturescrapbooking and join the Creative Crop and find out all about it.  Happy Scrapbooking!