Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Book of Days

As I embark on the New Year of 2013, I am making a committment to write everyday.  As I write, my thoughts, joys, hopes and dreams I will unfold the books that lie in wait in me.  Many volumes about my life work of serving Christ to the fullest, being true in relationships, motherhood, entreprenureship, and life in the fullest measure.

This evening, as I continued reflection on the past year and began to fix my mind on my approach to work, I cleared off my sidetable, where I often sit, to read or drink coffee in the living room with my family.  The space is deemed, "Momma's Chair", by my eldest son.  The book that drew my eyes was my "Days from the Heat of the Home" journal by Susan Branch.  In it I record memories of days throughout the year.  More days are recorded in the month of January, than any other month. Good intentions, are often made, but the busyness of our life, crowd out the intentions.

My post for January 1, 2009, said this

Simple Joys List

1.  Seeing Ramsey & Jason play & laugh together.
2.  A clean house and fresh smells.
3.  A cup of tea, scones & lemon curd.
4.  Hearing my dad laugh.
5.  Doing anything with my sisters and mom.
6.  Being with the Thomas' :)

The significance of this list, are the changes in my life since 2009.  We've since had another child, so I get to hear both sons interacting with their dad and it gives me even greater joy.  

My dad, Albert Sanders, passed away in February 2011, so this is going on two years, that I haven't heard him laugh, but the memory still makes me smile, and pictures help me to remember the laugh and the smile.  

My time with the Thomas' is most memorable.  They are my pastors, my friends, my leaders.  In 2011 they also moved to Florida, so our Sunday dinners, downtime with family, are memories that keep me smiling still.  

I am a writer and love to journal as well.  In 2013 being intentional about the process and dedicated to  putting in the time, will open new doors and arenas.  So on this first day of the year, I begin my ritual of reflection.  

So here's my plan of Intentionality and Mindfulness for the Year:

  • Begin the day in praise and thanksgiving!  
  • Morning devotion, before leaving the house.   
  • Stretches and 30 minutes of exercise daily.
  • Writing Daily.

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