Monday, November 19, 2012

Staying Focused on the Mission

This morning I found a copy of my life mission statements that reinvigorated me and my focus.  In the course of our daily lives, we can often be overwhelmed with the challenges of the day and forget our guiding focus for life.  As I share my mission statements, think about your own, and how you are meeting your mission in your day to day walk.  A good measure of the validity of your mission, are those that are close to you in your daily walk.  Ask them to read it and then give you feedback on how they see it walked out in your life.  Making your mission a daily walk, is how we live authentically and be true to ourselves.

If you're a friend, family member, student or colleague I would love to hear from you.  Just send me an email or post a comment to this blog.  Here are my mission statements for life:

The Ramsey Household Mission Statement

  • To compel men and women to come to Christ
  • To represent the Kingdom of God, in the institution o the family
  • To meet the needs of people, where they are
  • To feed the hungry clothe the naked, and provide for the needs of others
  • To serve God, in all we say and do
  • To study the word of God, and show ourselves approved unto God

Kelly's Personal Mission  Statement

  • To communicate words that heal, motivate, and educate
  • To worship God in Spirit and in Truth
  • To commit mysel to serve, promote and respect the Body of Christ (the church)
  • To bring light to the lives of others
  • To resonate Christ, in all I say and do
  • To illuminate the lives of people
  • To be a Proverbs 31 woman
  • To esteem and prefer my husband and children

Developing People, Inc. Mission Statement

  • To facilitate learning and education in the youngest to the oldest learner
  • To assist people in discovering and translating their purpose for life
  • To foster wholeness in the lives of people
  • To build and restore the nuclear family to it's original state at creation
  • To translate the hurts of others into healing
  • To nurture and develop people physically, emotionally, socially and cognitively


  1. Staying true to your mission is key to living a fulfilled life.

  2. not only do i LOVE this i am INSPIRED by it to create and live out my own mission statements in all walks of my life! thanks for sharing!!


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