Saturday, February 23, 2013

One Little Word 2013: CREATE

This year I am choosing my third word for the One Little Word, class with Ali Edwards on Big Picture Scrapbooking.

 As I looked at my words from the past two years, it made me think of the reasons behind the words. In 2010 my word was a phrase, Consider This! It captured for me, the introspect of the year and what it would entail. Consider this, was to look at other peoples point of view. It really came from my dad, because it was a year of reflection on him, and all he instilled in us. To really look at life and people from the other mans perspective, instead of just my own. it was powerful.

In 2011' my first year, I just focused on the word, no class.  I adopted " consider this" as a frame for how I viewed the world and the people I interact with daily.  It transformed my mindset, and helped me to move beyond motive and behavior and get to know the story behind people's behavior.

 My word for 2012 was GROW. I had no idea of how such a simple word would be a catalyst of change in my life and what I considered opportunities to GROW. It taught me to trust myself, because I am really focused and guiding my processes, even when it doesn't feel good. When I say I'm guiding it, its God directing and me following.

This year, 2013 the word is CREATE.  According to Merriam Webster Dictionary To create means

: to bring into existence created
 the heaven and the earth — Genesis 1:1
a : to invest with a new form, office, or rank created
 a lieutenant

b : to produce or bring about by a course of action or behaviorcreated a terrible fuss;create new jobs
: causeoccasion create
s high food prices>
a : to produce through imaginative skill <create a painting>
b : design <creates dresses>
intransitive verb
: to make or bring into existence something new
: to set up a scoring opportunity in basketball <create off the dribble>

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