Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Saying goodbye to 2014....... and Hello to 2015!

It's that time of the year again.  Reflecting on the year that has passed, and embracing the year ahead.  My year has been full of travel and fun, and most of all  the most important people of all, my family.  As I reviewed my year on Facebook today, I was pleasantly surprised that My Year Newspaper, showed how I spent my time.  Loving on my family, taking care of my health by eating right and exercising and serving others.  This occured because of my intentions for each day, were to do just that.

My one little word (OLW) for 2014 was FOCUS.  I made some intentional steps to enlarge my circle of friends and accountability partners.  Thanks to Webster Ramsey, Sr. ( Hubby), Latara Bussey, Valerie Vaughn, Susan Boxie Rex,  Charmaine Sims, Linda Sanders ( Mom), D'Andrea Thomas ( BFF), Bilal Konte, Trenna Grayson, Kelly (Mugsie) Larsen, Cheryl Butler Adams, Deb Curtis, and many others for connecting with me throughout the year.  My life is richer because of each of you, and forever changed.

In review, here's how I spent my days in 2014:

  • Creating new family rituals - morning devotions with the boys, movie nights at home and at the theatre, game nights at home, hot chocolate parties for the holidays, and Advent gift-giving in December, 
  • 3rd annual art booth at Destiny Christian School for Alaya Enterprise artwork and Kelly's Kreations crafts.  Thanks Alicia Wade for organizing the event each year.  Watch for Ramsey's inspirational art all around Oklahoma City this year, in a gallery exhibit near you. ( Speak it and it will happen, so watch for it.)
  • Travel - travel - travel for Educare OKC.  Maine, Chicago, Denver, Berkley, CA, and San Antonio, TX,
  • Appointed as NAEYC Affiliate Representative for Early Childhood Association of Oklahoma (ECAO) 
  • Swap-Bot ( This is the greatest community of crafters, writers, quilters, and the likes).  I even spread the joy, with Trenna Grayson, and now she's hooked.
  • New logo for Developing People, Inc.  created by Paula McDade. 
  • Increased writing on blog, short story, and invited to write for educational journal in 2015
  • NAEYC presenter with Ruth Ann Ball.... embarking on national platform for early childhood profession.
  • Appointed to Educare Learning Network, advisory board.  national platform informing policy in the early childhood field.
  • Whew!  What a year.  
Forever humbled by God's plan for my life, and so grateful I get to share it with all of you.  

Get ready for 2015!  My OLW word for the year is POSSIBILITIES....  I can't wait to see what it unfolds.  Can you?

Kelly Ramsey

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Streams of Life: Creating Order in an out of Balance world. = The CHURCH

November 29 - December 3, 2014  December 30, 2014
Streams of Life:  Creating Order in an out of Balance world.  = The CHURCH

This is the last post for this series, and will complete the streams of life.  Although we are late posting, it's key to complete processes, so we want to honor the work and followers by doing such.  This stream is my life source, and it is why I continue to have balance in my life.  The purpose of the church is to equip the believers to be light in the world.  The church is created for fellowship with other likeminded believers.  The church is not just mortar and bricks and walls to separate.  It is a living organism that is transformed by the people in it. 

I was honored and blessed to be a part of a ministry that understood, the churches function and purpose.  As a leader, I served my leaders Apostles Ricky and D'andrea Thomas from the conception of the ministry over 15 years ago. We labored together, to meet the heart of God and serve the people.  The stream of G. A P. R. T. still continues to water my everyday life, of my family and my home.  One thing is evident, we exist today because of each stream that watered us at every phase of our lives.  To remove any phase, is to negate that all of the streams of our lives have made us who we are today.  Thank you Lord, for each person who watered my life and flowed through the streams. 

My love for the ministry of the church runs deep, because it's the place where healing and restoration came for me.  After being a Christian, and growing up in a family that served God, I experienced brokenness, devastation, and depression.  The church restored my hope in Christ, and kept my heart open to love others.  I can see every face of every person, who greeted me weekly, smiled inspite of y response or face, loved on me when I turned away from their love, fed me, clothed me, chastised me, and guided me.   

As the body of Christ heals and is restored in society, we must keep in mind that the people are the integral part of the healing.  It takes all members of the body of Christ to create order and restore balance in the world.  I thank God for the fresh word of God, he ministers at our local congregation under the leadership of Prophet Brandon Fleming, at New Divine Destiny Christian Center.  At Destiny City in Edmond, we create streams of life through anointed worship, ministering of the word of God, and showing the love of Christ among the brethren.  I count an honor, to be a part of the work God is doing and continue to serve as a minister of God reaching the masses with the simple message, that Jesus saves and is here to be light in darkness.   

Questions to Ponder:
  • Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as Your personal savior?
  • Are you connected to a church home, that ministers restoration to your soul?
  • How are you serving in your local church?
  • How is your local church serving the community?
  • Are you connected with others, in bible study, group studies, or fellowship?

Monday, December 29, 2014

Streams of Life: Creating Order in an out of Balance world. - The COMMUNITY

November 22 - 28, 2014 December 29, 2014
Streams of Life:  Creating Order in an out of Balance world.  - The COMMUNITY

When I think of community, I think of the elders who created safe places for youth to grow, learn, and be taught.  In Oklahoma City, I experienced community in a new way, as a Possibilities Innovation Program (PIP) participant in 2011.  To read my story, and the impact the program made on my life, click here.  The program provided me with insight into the communities in Oklahoma, and showed me that every person matters.  Every walk of life, every person's offering as a youth, young adult, elder or senior adult is a necessary part of community.  If you have never been apart of a group, that fosters hope and possibilities, make it a goal this year to connect with Possibilities, Inc. 

A staple in my home are books about culture, community, and elders.  Clifton Taulbert speaks of community in his book, Eight habits of the hearts, as he shares his childhood growing up in Mississippi and how he took the habits the elders showed him, left the community and shared their stories with millions of others.  They are simple habits, that establish foundation for the community.  The eight habits are: 
  • Nurturing Attitude
  • Dependability
  • Responsibility
  • Friendship
  • Brotherhood
  • High Expectations
  • Courage Hope
Questions to Ponder:
  • How has community influenced you today?
  • In what ways, has your community shaped your work?
  • How have you given back to your community, or honored the work of the community?
  • What will you create in 2015 to foster community?
  • Are the eight habits of the heart evident in your daily life and work?

Final post:

November 29 - December 3, 2014  December 30, 2014
Streams of Life:  Creating Order in an out of Balance world.  = The CHURCH