Monday, May 23, 2011


Saw this cool idea on Crafty Garden Mom's Blog, and had to make them. Here are my pictures.

Here are my english paper piecing hexagons.  I'm using black and white hexagons, with white centers.  I am just piecing them now, and will decide how to use my pieces.  The backside still has the paper shapes in them, and will be removed once they are appliqued on top.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Scrap Swap

As a newbie quilter, in my second year, I'm embarking on a new adventure.  My first fabric swap.  I'm just meeting my partners this week, and finding out what they would like in their quart size ziploc bag.  Colors, hues, prints, and sizes...Oh My! 

I am going to use my scraps to work on my hexagon flowers or to create a black and white scrappy quilt.  Here's an idea for inspiration, that I saw at a quilt shop in Bush's Family Affair in Chickasha, OK. 
Or maybe I should make a quilt square for my favorite coffee shop in Oklahoma city, Red cup.  This beauty is gracing the walls now, as inspiration.