Often we start our day with good intentions but only end up with regrets by the end of the day. In the business world, they have a term called "frontloading". Frontloading is defined by freedictionary.com, means to concentrate costs or benefits of (a financial obligation or deal) in an early period.
Take tonight for instance, I already had dinner ready, so I just had to plate the food and serve my family. That left time for me to create birthday invitations for my oldest son, who's turning 4 next week. Instead of going to bed, I looked at the sink full of dishes and decided to "frontload" by clearing the sink, loading the dishwasher, and clearning the cabinets of STUFF! Now, when I wake up in the morning, I have a clean sparkling kitchen to greet me. Ahhh! That feels good already. So now we arrive to the next morning ready to meet our day.
Here's a starting declaration for today(or tomorrow depending on when you':re reading this)
Today, I will.........
- Celebrate the gift of time by paying attention to what I do with my hours, minutes, and seconds of this day.
- Choose to speak words that uplift, encourage, edify, build up, rather than tear down or demean others. Even if they are riding in the other car, that just cut me off driving. (smile :)
- Make time for personal reflection....What made me smile? How did I demonstrate gratenfulness for life? Who was changed for the better by my presence today? What are lessons I learrned from my experiences today?
- BREATHE......, RELAX,...........and LIVE