How many times did we here that growing as I say, not as I do. We vowed never to use those words, not to become our parents, and to do everything better than it was done when we were children. Well the day of reckoning is now hear. As a mother of a brilliant, vivacious, mouthy, opinionated two year old my thoughts have changed. I have become my parents, both mom and dad at intermittent times. I often respond to the question, "why?" with "because I said so". Here are some things I've learned in the short time I've been parenting:
1. Children are a combination of their God-given ability, their parents DNA, and the environment that they are exposed to.
2. Every behavior you need to change, will be picked up by your child and demonstrated to you multiple times during the day.
3. As a parent, you develop eyes in the back of your head. Our parents really did have them, although they weren't apparent to us.
4. Keep it simple. Complicated things make for long transitions an d impossible mornings and evenings.
5. More to come.....